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A compact home office that you can make in your home


With the COVID-19 literally in the air, more and more of us have planned or are subject to staying at home and working in our version of a compact home office. Most if us have very little to minimal working areas that is why we should try to learn to maximize space.

Compact Home Office setup
Compact Home Office setup

A working area in the home need not take up much space. At the very least, a dining table would suffice. But then there is the privacy concern. This is true specially if you have young once’s active within your home. That every now and would open and close the fridge, get a plate and eat something.

This homey kind of situation does not do good when your “home” work entails numbers or talking on the phone.  Our compact home office definitely has to be in an area where there is the least foot traffic in your home.

Keeping our work area out of the way after our work is a major concern. We do not want our kids getting into our work.  Designing a compact home office does not really have to dent your expenses.  A table that is built-in to the wall is good.  That when this table is open you have a sizeable work area.  And when it is folded your work area and work tools is out of sight and out of mind.

Desk space or work area is important.  There are those of us who cannot work in smaller that standard desk space.  When choosing or designing your work area, best to take this into consideration.  Where you sit or the chair that you use can be any chair or stool that is readily available to you.  Only thing is be sure you are comfortable enough to be sitting on this for long periods of time.

This quarantine that is imposed on most of us will be there for some time that is why we need to have a simple but useable  home office setup.  That we can use anytime our services are need at home.

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